Odd (adj) - different from what is usual or expected; strange, or uncommon.
Calm Before the Storm
As we head into our winter break, we want to take a minute to sincerely thank everyone who has supported us this past year. Showrunners, other vendors, artists, friends, and most of all our customers. Without all of you, we would not be here, and would not be able to keep bringing you the weirdest of shit. Your continued support not only enables the two of us to keep our lights on (literally) but also helps everyone we buy from.
The cognoscenti may have noted that the web site is looking a little sparse at the moment. We do most of our winter/spring ordering at the end of January, so this is normal. We're hoping to have quite a few new goodies this season. Anything that shows as SOLD OUT is either waiting to be restocked, or a new product currently on order.
Our FAQ has been updated, and we've added a list of some of the previous shows we've done. Site changes are ongoing. We will be adding sections for our medical quackery items, and some of the offebeat collectibles we've run across. All of these are currently only available at our in-person shows.
As always, if you have questions about an item, are interested in a custom order, or if you were at an event and missed a chance to grab that special something you had your eye on - please don't hesitate to email us.
-Alex & Sterling
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We send one or two updates per month at most, and will NEVER release your email or use it for ANY unapproved marketing purposes.